OnlyFans Flip-Flops: Sex is Selling More Than It Bargained For

Jeopardizing the financial stream of pornography platforms and banks is the fastest way to enact change—it’s all about the money through use of the public strong-arm. Original article published on August 26, 2021.

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Give yourself a little more credit than the 280 characters Twitter gives you.

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When did we decide that our ideas were only worth a social post

More and more our attention spans wane

Giving way to impatient, impractical, impersonal interactions

Threads of abrupt, ill-conceived thought — 

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Western vs. Eastern Thought & Book Motivations w/ Richard Nisbett

This is the fourth and final part of Richard and Christian’s conversation where they discuss the differences in Western versus Eastern thought and Richard’s motivations behind writing his book. Richard recently released his new book Thinking: A Memoir, in which he details different human reasoning errors, why those errors occur, and how to improve your reasoning. Episode 48.
Listen to the full episode here!
Thinking: A Memoir by Richard Nisbett on Amazon
Follow Christian on Instagram @cashliman

Stop Taking Advantage of Yourself, Start Acting with Confidence

Being taken advantage of never leaves you feeling positive—yet, we take advantage of ourselves everyday. Are there ways we can control this behavior, augment it, and come out on the other side feeling confident and prepared to live meaningfully? Find out in this week’s installment of Bedletter, Episode 47.
Listen to the full episode here!
Follow Christian on Instagram @cashliman

The Power of the Unconscious Mind & the Law of Large Numbers w/ Richard Nisbett

Today is the third part of Richard and Christian’s conversation where they discuss the power of the unconscious mind, the law of large numbers, and how learning these concepts can change everything. Richard recently released his new book Thinking: A Memoir, in which he details different human reasoning errors, why those errors occur, and how to improve your reasoning. Episode 46.
Listen to the full episode here!
Thinking: A Memoir by Richard Nisbett on Amazon
Follow Christian on Instagram @cashliman

Bad Self-Control Leads to Loneliness

On today’s 5-Minute Friday, Christian reviews new research that suggests a correlation between bad self-control and loneliness. Why does this occur, and how are the two so closely related? And if bad self-control leads to loneliness, can good self-control lead to more positive and meaningful social interactions? Episode 45.
Listen to the full episode here!
Follow Christian on Instagram @cashliman